Ink drawing series


A series of ink drawings celebrating small things and fleeting moments seen in my neighbourhood. These are part of an upcoming book project, and currently available as postcards in my shop (see link section below).

Not being able to travel as much during the pandemic, I’ve started paying more attention to the things around me, close to home. You can always find something interesting to see, if you really look.

Most of the drawings are made based on photos I take while cycling in my neighbourhood. Some are based on things seen out my window. Some are based on two (or more) scenes overlapping in my memory. While some are based on vague memories, with my imagination filling in the gaps. The goal is to portray a moment or scene in a way that photography can never do, leaving out many of the details and focusing on a specific feeling.


The drawings are made with coloured ink on watercolour paper. The eyedroppers I’m using are hard to control, unprecise and sometimes messy, but I love their beautiful, unpredictable lines.

Sometimes I do studies beforehand, if I’m unsure about specific details, but in most cases I just draw a scene several times until I’m happy with one version (in some cases that can still be the first one). The idea is to find a good balance between the image I have in my mind and the the mistakes — or “happy accidents” — that happen during the process. It’s both fun and stressful at the same time. And a good exercise in not chasing “perfection”.

In the shop

The drawings are available as postcards in my shop, either as a full set of 10, or on their own, in sets of four. A larger number of drawings will be available as a book soon.

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